MAGNUM Shoes and boots

The first Magnum boot was born in 1982 through a direct demand from the FBI training center, for lightweight, athletic and comfortable tactical boots.

As the demand for this type of boot grew, we invested time researching what the end user really wanted from Magnum boots. The end users told us there was a need for several variations of the popular style in a mid cut, including the boot that came in full leather, waterproof and steel toe versions.

We have established our own Magnum Tactical Advisory Committee (MTAC), which refers back to the end user for valuable feedback and guidance. MTAC consists of members of various emergency services and military forces who work with the Magnum Development Team and test and advise on all new product development. This helps ensure that all Magnum footwear is truly 'Fit for Purpose' and continues to exceed end user requirements.

For the highly trained officer who demands the very best in materials, features, comfort and performance. The Elite Force series is built to the highest engineering and design standards. The Elite series has received acclaim from law enforcement and gear reviewers alike and can easily be considered the most progressive line of tactical footwear in the industry.

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