Sanofor Peat Drench 1000 ml

24,95 incl. VAT

Peat drenchstof is a soil product, consisting of digestive residues of hundreds of different flowers, medicinal herbs, grasses and fruits.

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Sanofor Peat Drench 1000 ml

Sanofor Peat Drench 1000 ml

Peat drenchstof is a soil product, consisting of digestive residues of hundreds of different flowers, medicinal herbs, grasses and fruits.
Over the course of many years, these plants fell into stagnant water and sank to the bottom, after which a lengthy chemical-biological process converted the plant remains into black, lobed peat.

Why peat drench in animal feed?

Sanafor Veendrenkstof is rich in easily absorbable mineral components such as iron. This is abundantly present and in the best absorbable form.
In addition, Sanafor Veendrenkstof also contains manganese, copper, zinc and other trace elements in very small amounts.
In addition, Sanofor contains substances, which, even in highly diluted form, naturally inhibit the growth of germs.
The intestinal flora is optimized by Sanofor. Of the organic substances in Sanofor, the humic acids are very important.
These have an absorbing effect and bind toxins, which are then excreted with the stool. In particular, the liver is relieved by this. In addition, the functioning of the liver is stimulated.
The mucous membranes come in optimal condition with Sanofor, which prevents stomach and intestinal problems and achieves better fertilization results. Sanofor has a beneficial effect on skin metabolism.

15 good reasons to feed Sanofor Veendrenkstof.
  • With dry skin, with flakes and with a dry, dull coat
  • For diarrhea and constipation * For belching, belching and regular rumbling of the stomach * For excessive hair loss and continuous shedding
  • When not getting into fur and with hair that keeps breaking off
  • To strengthen the hair root and if the coat is too thin.
  • For bites and scratch marks, bald spots in the coat and eczema
  • With a flea allergy, hotspot
  • Eat with street dirt and faeces
  • To improve lustFor reconstruction of the intestinal flora after worm cures and antibiotics
  • With regularly recurring flatulence
  • With a bad smell from the mouth (not caused by dental problems) and with bad smell from the skin (excessive dog smell)
  • For improving the pigmentation of the coat and also highly recommended in difficult cases as an extra stimulus for pigment disorders in the nose, lips, eye rims, etc.
  • With regular application throughout the year, Sanofor Veendrenkstof ensures a short effective shedding period and a beautiful full coat.

Silica 6,52%, Iron 1,14%, Aluminum 0,12%, Calcium 5,09%, Magnesium 0,37%, Sodium 0,41%, Phosphate 0,20%, Sulfate 5,05%, Ether Extract 1,26%, Insoluble Nitrogen 0, 77%,
Other Nitrogen 0.98%, Difficult water soluble protein 4.32%, Sulfur not available as sulfate 0.41%, Carbon dioxide 2.52%, Bitumen (wax, resin, oil) 18.09%, Water soluble organics 8.19%,
Hemicelluloses 1,63%, Celluloses 2,85%, Humic Acids 13,08%, Humic Material 3,99%, Humin and Lignin 13,61%, Easily Water Soluble Protein 1,30%.