Mooffz O-Dog Donut Orange

39,95 incl. VAT

The donut is smaller than an exercise ball, but due to its wide base it offers more stability than the ball or the peanut ball. The round shape offers a unique balance challenge that is ideal for certain strength exercises and only the dog's front legs need to be on the donut.

SKU: 98.40 Category:

Mooffz O-Dog Donut Orange

Mooffz O-Dog Donut Orange

The Mooffz O-Dog Donut ideal for balance training or core training

The Mooffz O-Dog Donut is closed at the top, because of this even safer. Completely in combination with an undercarriage.

The donut is smaller than an exercise ball, but due to its wide base it offers more stability than the ball or the peanut ball.

The round shape offers a unique balance challenge. This is ideal for certain strength exercises and only the dog's front legs need to be on the donut.

In this position, mainly the muscles in the back part work. But encouraging the dog to move around the donut in this position also helps strengthen the muscles in the front as the donut wobbles back and forth.

The dog must then use its front paws to stabilize the donut. This exercise is excellent for developing proprioception and balance.

The Mooffz O-Dog has a Burst Resistant Quality system (anti-burst system). The BRQ system ensures that the Donut slowly deflates (and does not pop) if it becomes leaky due to external influences. The dog will therefore not be frightened when the Donut is damaged.

You can vary the challenge by inflating the Donut harder or softer. To make exercises easier, place a base underneath, see base for Donut.

  • Note: Only use the Mooffz O-Dog Donut as training material and only under supervision. Do not leave the dog alone with the Donut and prevent the dog from destroying the material.
Brand: Mooffz
Diameter: 65 cm
Height: 32 cm
To colour): Orange


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