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Euro Joe Series “RX”
€415,95 – €416,95 incl. VAT
The RX series consists of 4 bite sleeves which can also be used as bite pads! This series offers all 4 bite sleeves in one affordable purchase.
Euro Joe Series “RX”
Euro Joe Series “RX”.
The RX series consists of 4 bite sleeves which can also be used as bite pads! This series offers all 4 bite sleeves in one affordable purchase.
The new bite sleeves are unparalleled in their kind! The bite sleeves are supplied with a cover as standard. If this cover is worn out after frequent use, you can contact us for a new cover. In addition, you also have the choice between a soft or hard cover. The RX series is one investment for the future.
- The RX1 is a whole soft puppy sleeve which familiarizes the dog with bite pads and bite sleeves to allow them to progress to training with an RX2, 3 and 4 bite sleeve.
By the 2 integrated handles, this bite sleeve offers many advantages, both for the dog and for the helper. This training aid can be used as both a bite sleeve and a bite cushion.
The bite sleeve can be used by both left and right handed people. It is easy to slide over the decoy's arm as a bite sleeve and because of the 2 rotating handles, it can also be used as a bite cushion, such as the bite cushion “Twister”.
The bite cushion is simple and easy for puppies to carry.
Thanks to the special shape, puppies cannot hurt themselves when biting and mouthing.
You can even use the RX1 at home to teach your dog to fetch, play or bite instead of a ball or block.
The soft, springy surface rewards the puppy and confirms its good behaviour. This makes the puppy stronger and will see the biting as a fun game.
- The RX2 is a two in one top bite sleeve. The bite sleeve can be used as a normal sleeve, but also like our bite cushion "Twister" to allow the dog to come through and turn out properly.
This sleeve is very suitable to teach the dog the "flight". One can bite the sleeve sideways use to prevent the dog from resting its paws on the Decoy.
- The RX3 has a special velcro cover that is longer than the RX2. Due to the strategically placed Velcro, the bite cushion can have the appearance of a sleeve.
For the dog this is a larger object to carry around, but not yet as heavy as an ipo sleeve. Here you also have the choice between a soft or a hard cover.
The bite sleeve is easy to change according to use by the helper and is already formed for the arm.
This bite sleeve is supplied without a hood.
The purpose of using this sleeve RX3 is to familiarize the dog with walking around with a bite sleeve, but without the extra weight that e.g. an IPO bite sleeve has. This sleeve also offers the decoy a little more protection.
- The RX4 looks like one full bite sleeve due to its shape and the supplied hood. This bite sleeve is specially designed for use with or without a hood.
This bite sleeve RX4 is the ideal way to transition to using the XPerience bite sleeve or a blue IPO bite arm! Here you also have the choice between a soft or hard cover.
The RX4 can be recognized by the black cover with the golden logo of Euro Joe. If the hood is replaced by a right-hand hood, this bite sleeve can also be used by right-handers.
All covers of the RX series are easy to pull over the sleeve with the help of a plastic bag.
The sleeves were tested by top pack workers on a global level. Thanks in part to their input, the RX series to arise. Get it home today!
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