Euro Joe Bite Sleeve “RX2”

129,95133,95 incl. VAT

The RX series consists of 4 bite sleeves that follow each other. The new bite sleeves are unparalleled in their kind! The bite sleeves are supplied with a cover as standard. If this cover is worn out after frequent use, you can contact us for a new cover.

Delivery time: approx. 2 - 5 working days

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Euro Joe Bite Sleeve “RX2”

Euro Joe Bite Sleeve “RX2”. Discover our now RX series, the new generation of young dog sleeves ! Here you will find the right training sleeve to train any dog!

The RX series consists of 4 bite sleeves that follow each other. The new bite sleeves are unparalleled in their kind! The bite sleeves are supplied with a cover as standard. If this cover is worn out after frequent use, you can contact us for a new cover. In addition, you also have the choice between a soft or hard cover.

  • The RX series is one investment for the future.

If successor for the RX1, there is the RX2. The RX2 is also one two in one top bite sleeve. The bite sleeve can be used as a normal sleeve, but also like our bite cushion "Twister" to allow the dog to come through and turn out properly. This sleeve is very suitable to teach the dog the "flight".

One can bite the sleeve sideways use to prevent the dog from resting its paws on the Decoy.

Light to use, versatile and with a jute cover: a luxury for every decoy!

This bite sleeve can also be used by both left and right handed people. The bite sleeve RX2 has a soft bite surface that bounces well thanks to the high-quality foam and is finished with leather such as an IPO sleeve. This bite cushion is only suitable for young dogs, for adult dogs this bite cushion is too soft and one must switch to the IPO sleeve.

Make your choice between a bite sleeve with soft or hard cover.