Euro Joe Bite Sleeve “HiQ4”

125,95127,95 incl. VAT

The HiQ4 sleeve is extremely suitable for young dogs An good, full bite to learn. This sleeve features a covering that extremely strong is and dog bites processed very well.

Delivery time: approx. 2 - 5 working days

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Euro Joe Bite Sleeve “HiQ4”

Euro Joe Bite Sleeve “HiQ4”.

  • Slightly larger than the HiQ3
  • For a full, strong bite
  • Spike-shaped : suitable for all breeds
  • Even better hand protection
  • 2 handles for balanced operation
  • Both for left and right-handers
  • Lightweight sleeve

Comment from Nicky Kuipers, Dutch IGP helper: He's a bit bigger. Very comfortable and stable. Great if you build up the program with a dog.”

The HiQ4 sleeve is extremely suitable for young dogs An good, full bite to learn. This sleeve features a covering that extremely strong and dog bites are processed very well. The white surface makes it clear to dog and handler where the right place is to bite.
This is also an extra tool for young decoy workers.

It wedge-shaped bite surface is suitable for all races, and encourages a full, strong bite.
The hand of the helper is well protected by the sleeve sewn up is. This prevents the dog from biting the decoy's hand.

On the inside, the decoy has 2 handles, which give him the chance to grab the sleeve in the right way at the right time. This allows him to correctly give the dog the feeling that he is stronger and therefore the self confidence of the dog a boost.
The sleeve can both left and right being used. This way the dog can be trained on both left and right handed helpers.

Because the HiQ4 sleeve is quite light, it can be given to the dog as a reward. The dog can easily do the HiQ4 carry around, because it is a lightweight sleeve is.