Hundos Pro Dog crate model DL, door right size L

365,00 incl. VAT

Hundos Pro Dog crate model DL, door right size L. The use of these quality materials ensures that this crate is virtually indestructible.

SKU: 72819 Category:

Hundos Pro Dog crate model DL, door right size L

This aluminum room bench is made of aluminum and the closed walls are made of concrete plywood.
The use of these quality materials ensures that this bench is virtually indestructible.

The door of this dog crate is in the long side.
This bench has 2 closed walls as standard. The bench is 106 cm. deep is 71 cm. wide and 81 cm high.

Suitable for:

This makes it suitable for dogs with a shoulder height of approximately 50 cm to approximately 70 cm.

As: Aidi Airedale Terrier Akita Alaskan Malamute American Akita American Staffordshire Terrier Appenzeller Mountain Dog Australian Shepherd Australian Kelpie Australian Cattle Dog (ACD) Barbet Bearded Collie Beauceron Bavarian Mountain Hound Bergamasco Bernese Mountain Dog Bloodhound Boerboel Bordeaux Dog Border Collie Bouvier des Flandres Boxer Braque d'Auvergne Briard Bull Terrier Bullmastiff Cane Corso Catalan Sheepdog Chesapeake Bay Retriever Chow Chow Clumber Spaniel Dalmatian Dingo Dogo Argentino Drentsche Partridge Dog German Shepherd German Pinscher German Wirehaired Pointer German Pointer Shorthair German Pointer Longhair English Setter English Springer Spaniel Entlebucher Sennenhund Epagneul Breton Eurasier Finnish Lapphund Finnish Spitz Flat Coated Retriever Foxhound Friesian Stabyhoun Galgo Español Golden Retriever Gordon Setter Griffon Belge Griffon Blue de Gascogne Griffon Bruxellois Griffon Fauve de Bretagne Groenendael Greenland Dog Large Münsteränder Heidewachtel Dutch Shepherd Shorthair Dutch Shepherd Longhair Hovawart Irish Setter Irish Water Spaniel Keeshond Groot Korthals Griffon Labradoodle Labrador Retriever Laekenois Shepherd Malinois Mexican Crested Dutch Schapendoes Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Old English Sheepdog Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher Old German Shepherd Peruvian Hairless Pharaoh Hound Picardy Shepherd Pitbull Terrier Poodle Pointer Polski Owczarek Nizinny Portuguese Water Dog Rhodesian Ridgeback Giant Schnauzer Rottweiler Samoyed Schnauzer Scottish Shepherd Shorthair Scottish Shepherd Longhair Shar Pei Siberian Husky Slovensky Cuvac Spanish Water Dog Spinone Italiano Tatra Hound Tervueren Shepherd Thai Ridgeback Tosa Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Vizsla Wirehaired Vizsla Shorthair Weimaraner Shorthair Weimaraner Longhair Welsh Springer Spaniel West Siberian Laika Wetterhoun Whippet Swiss White Shepherd